Lord Krishna : The Supreme Lord - 5.


Worship of Sri Krishna has been practised in India from the very commencement of the world’s culture. It is a part of the Veda itself. It is not a new cult. Sri Krishna has become the most common object of worship in the whole of India. Even in Latvia (Europe) hundreds of ladies worship Sri Krishna and repeat His Mantra—OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA.

Lord Krishna was great in knowledge, great in emotion, great in action, altogether. The scriptures have not recorded any life more full, more intense, more sublime, more grand than His.

Though Lord Krishna appeared in human form, He had an Aprakritika, divine body. He did not take any birth. He did not die. He appeared and disappeared through His Yoga Maya. This is a secret, known only to His devotees, Yogis and sages.

Lord Krishna has played various parts during His stay in the world. He drove the chariot of Arjuna. He was an unparalleled statesman. He was a master musician. He gave lessons to Narada in the art of playing the Vina. The music of His flute thrilled the hearts of the Gopis and of all. He was a cowherd in Nandagaon and Gokul. He exhibited miracles even when he was a child and a boy. He killed many Rakshasas. He showed Visvaroopa to His mother. He did Rasalila, the secrets of which can only be understood by devotees like Narada, Radha, the Gopis and Sri Gouranga. He taught the supreme truths of Yoga, Bhakti and Vedanta to Arjuna and Uddhava. He had mastery over the sixty-four arts. That is why He is regarded as an Avatara with sixteen Kalas or powers.

To be continued ..


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