Lord Krishna : The Supreme Lord -1.

1. Introduction :-

Agni, Brahma, Padma, Brahma-Vaivarta, Vishnu and Bhagavata Puranas treat of the life of Krishna. The Brahma and Padma Puranas have devoted several chapters to this subject. Brahma-Vaivarta, Vishnu, and Bhagavata Puranas have devoted whole sections and books to the description of Krishna-Charita.

Radha plays an important part in the growth of later Vaishnavism. No mention of Radha is made in the Vishnu and the Bhagavata Puranas. It is in the Padma as well as in the Brahma-Vaivarta that a detailed account of the Radha cult, the real nature of Radha and Her companions, their names, their mystical significance, their relation with Sri Krishna in the Rasa Lila is given. In the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana great importance to the Radha element in the Krishna worship is given. In the Vishnu and the Bhagavata Puranas the philosophical aspects of Sri Krishna and His worship are dealt with.

Next : - 2. His Life : -

To be continued ..


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